Friday, May 1, 2009

The wise and wonderful Mr. Mezzias

I had the privilege of doing a small photo shoot of Mr. Fred Mezzias of Jacksonville yesterday. He is retired Navy and has been in Jacksonville since the 40's. I am always drawn to the "older" generations. I love their style, wisdom and stories. I have always thought that I am an old soul, so maybe that's why. You should have heard him pulling up, that Big Band 40's music playing...Ahhh! Love it!
Mr. Mezzias has 5 extremely beautiful classic being a sweet baby pink Caddilac! We will be photographing that later!!! He said that he was going to get a Rolls Royce and when he got that, he said he was going to get another one and when he got that he said he was going to get a pink Caddilac, etc.
I cherish these pictures and they will always remind me of what he said..."If you don't have a goal, you won't get there!" "If you speak it and reach, you WILL obtain it!"
Can't you just hear the music playing?


  1. Cant wait to see the pics.... :)

  2. O I love them, really good. Makes me smile when I read it!



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I am a Mother to the most precious son, a wife to an amazing husband and have a very wonderful life.