Wednesday, April 22, 2009



  1. I've passed this several times too! I love the pic! All the bright colors are awesome!

  2. Hey Amy I appreciate the time & advise you gave me the other day! Also, I love this picture of this place. I have a quick story to share about it. So back in “97” my husband (the country boy he is) would take me & our oldest two boys to the auctions there. His dad loved chickens, hogs, goats, you name it. It used to drive me NUTS!! That was until those two boys asked “daddy can we go get grandpa some more animals at the auction”. It was so cute how their little boyish voices with country accents spoke those words, that I realized these are going to be some great memories. Sure enough when their grandpa passed away last year they remembered it and talked about it. Wait that pic would make a great scrap booking piece. Can I order a copy. I think they would love that! Girl you never know what history your capturing when taking these pictures. Thanks again!



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I am a Mother to the most precious son, a wife to an amazing husband and have a very wonderful life.